In 1957 Mom, Dad and I visited Bill and Hilda Bohnenberg in Miami, Florida - their customary residence every Winter season. During the Summer they lived in their house in East Chatham, NY. We frequently visited them in the small country town. One memory is Hilda's great beef stews (made in her pressure cooker) and scalloped potatoes, which became a favorite of mine. She also typically served shrimp cocktail - arranged on a glass with cocktail sauce, a dish we were not familiar with at home.

Bill had a fascinating history - originally migrating from Germany. He tried many things - bicycle racing (a big sport then), sailor on ships on the West Coast, worked on a ranch as a cowboy, operating a vertical boring mill in the American Locomotive Plant in a WWII job and finally, farming in Columbia County. The memory is dim, but Dad must have met Bill when he also worked in Alco for a short time as a wartime lathe operator. Bill and Hilda lived in Scotia where we first visited them.

Florida Memories

On the way South I had to photograph the Deleware Canal bridge, especially with the striking brooding clouds. Quite unusual, I labeled all of this set of Kodachromes with locations and the dates (hopefully reasonably correct).


Florida Memories

Same bridge, closer view of the striking structure of the bridge.


Florida Memories

A view of the marvelous Chesepeake Bay Bridge Tunnel which we traversed a few times in future years.


Florida Memories

The next day we stopped at a picnic area in Dunn, North Carolina. I-95 did not exist at the time so we traveled mostly on US 301 South. Two days to Florida - with an overnight stop. Note the instant Nescafe bottle on the table - Mom's favorite beverage.


Florida Memories

Mother and I in the apartment we rented in Miami. It was over the owners garage - quite private. Hot water was supplied by solar energy, pipes on the roof. Needless to say, in Miami we always had plenty of hot water!


Florida Memories

The poinsettia planting in front of the owners' house.


Florida Memories

A banana tree outside our apartment.


Florida Memories

The Music Bowl in Miami. On this day the temperature was in the 50's, remarkably cold!


Florida Memories

Hollywood Beach, Florida - looking North.


Florida Memories

Christmas Palm, inedible fruit. Fairchild Gardens, Miami.


Florida Memories

Century Plant and cactus. Fairchild Gardens, Miami.


Florida Memories

Orchid house, Fairchild Gardens, Miami.


Florida Memories

Orchid House, Fairchild Gardens, Miami.


Florida Memories

Orchid House, Fairchild Gardens, Miami.


Florida Memories

Orchid House, Fairchild Gardens, Miami.


Florida Memories

Exotic birds in Crandon Park, Miami.


Florida Memories

Mom and I in Crandon Park, Miami. Very evident in this picture, and others, is the 'high' view - cutting off the subject's feet. It was due to Dad's method of viewing the scene through the Ziess Contessa's finder (never could convince him to correct it).


Florida Memories

Bill and Hilda Bohnenberg.


Florida Memories

Hans and Ida Adolph (friends of Bill and Hilda), Hilda and Bill on a beautiful day in the park.


Florida Memories

A dwarf golden cocoanut tree in Fairchild Gardens, Miami.


Florida Memories

Fishermen (and ladies) lined up on one of the island causeways in Miami (labelled 'Crandon Park Bridge' on the slide).


Florida Memories

Palms on S,W, 7th street in the evening.


Florida Memories

Route 27, South of Miami.


Florida Memories

A typical Florida orange grove. The oranges were surprisingly better than the ones we bought in the markets in New York State.


Florida Memories

Strolling through the Edisto Gardens in Orangeburg South Carolina on the way home.


Florida Memories

Wisteria flowers in the Edisto Gardens of Orangeburg SC.


Florida Memories

Ending this web page pictorial is the typical Spanish Moss we find in Southern trees. Allendale South Carolina.


Original completed February 4, 2022.

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