Welcome to the mailing list of the HVBS Minutes to the superb staff of the Hoffman House, Kingston, NY and to associate HVBS Member Jen.

Hudson Valley Society

Official Minutes – HVBS Meeting on Wednesday, March 13, 2002

  1. The Northern contingent, ably chauffeured by the Shadow in his mighty Dodge Stratus, arrived at Kingston’s Hoffman House at 11:17 AM for our historic first meeting of 2002. It must be noted that our sturdy Southern anchor had "stolen the march" and was waiting for our arrival. Quickly recovering from shock caused by the early arrival of Geronimo, noted for his razor-sharp timeliness, our group assembled to enter HVBS Official Headquarters.
  2. Entering the establishment we were warmly greeted by the staff consisting of owner Jenny and favorite waitress Sandi. To our surprise and pleasure Official Waitress and Associate Member Jen had returned and would serve our doughty group. Taking possession of our traditional Official Corner Table, members bent to the task of ordering an opening round of drinks to begin the session, duly noting the tastefully re-designed menu card. Also noted were the re-finished floors (our chairs slid easily) and the freshly painted décor. The Deliberator raised the issue of an Official Beverage proposed by the Shadow in the Agenda. Shadow proposed it should be red wine – noted for health benefits. Geronimo, rejecting a long Greek history of wine drinking which included introducing wine to Southern Rome, vigorously objected and strongly opined that, "beer being the drink of the proletariat", it should be a matter of individual choice. After a brief argument the motion’s wording was approved for a vote. A unanimous vote decided our "optional drink" could be an "acceptable vintage red wine". I conclude we don’t have an "Official Beverage", albeit a recommended one.
  3. Discussions on various topics ensued. Geronimo informed us he and Kay are leaving for Hawaii on Monday, May 27. Queried about his proposed wedding attire, Geronimo informed us he most likely will be wearing a sport coat – not the expected tux. Dan is presently in Japan meeting friends of Chako’s family. We were informed that in modern weddings, contrary to member’s experience, no gift is necessary when you are invited to a wedding. Members recommended Geronimo quickly learn as much Japanese as possible since the bride’s parents speak no English.
  4. In "Items in the news", Geronimo questioned PC Wiz’s calling Governor Pataki a "born again" Democrat. PC Wiz cited State spending (more than Cuomo) and the visits to Puerto Rico to strengthen his Latino support in his bid for re-election. When asked to face the choice between Cuomo (McCall) and Pataki, PC Wiz said he would not ballot for Governor. There was very little reaction to the State and City proposals for increased cigarette taxes evidently since HVBS members are non-smokers. The gambling casino proposal by an "Indian tribe" from Long Island in Schodack roused some debate. Since they want tax-free status in perpetuity for their property, it would essentially become Indian land and HVBS members did not approve.
  5. The Shadow brought up the issuance of "student" visas (upgrade from "visitor") for the two World Trade Center terrorist leaders six months after the tragedy. Geronimo thought the idea of a National Holiday commemorating the WTC was "balogna". Shadow proposed ringing of church bells across America on the anniversary at 8:46, 9:02, and 9:46 AM as a memorial. PC Wiz thought we should not have Holiday’s for tragedies. Geronimo made a motion that "9-11" is not a Holiday – passed unanimously. Shadow mentioned that the WTC investigating engineers waited four months for the plans for the buildings from the Port Authority – and had to sign a waiver not to blame the Authority for shortcomings to get them! Plus the fact the steel (evidence) had gone immediately to scrap yards (with probable Mafia connections). before being inspected. Shadow informed us the steel failed at the joints because of fire protection problems that have to be taken into account in designing future buildings.
  6. Also put forward by the Shadow was the Jack Welch affair with the editor of the Harvard Law Review; the forthcoming suit for divorce by his wife, Jane, and the possible size of the settlement. Deliberator informed members that he was currently reading Welch’s latest book – which he thought a good book. Members concluded that Welch should have known better, especially considering the fate of Gary Wendt, head of GE Capital, who was fired for the same behavior. Also raised by the Shadow was the news of the Boston Diocese paying thirty million dollars to two sodomized youths. All agree the Church has huge problems as evidenced by the continuing news.
  7. In sports the issue of the officiating at the Winter Olympics came up. Some discussion about what events should be included ensued. Sports such as pairs skating, with mostly subjective judging compared with the winning of a race, came under scrutiny. Deliberator concluded the judging was "bad" and Geronimo voted "thumbs down". Geronimo raised the issue of the expensive security, how the games started in Greece and were played for competition and love of the sports. We are now watching professional athletes in games such as hockey which should be amateurs. Shadow brought up the dismal record of the Knicks and the cost of attending lackluster games at $80 - $100 a seat! Also discussed was the phenomenal post-season record of the Sienna Saints in the NCAA play-offs (the first losing-season NCAA team in 47 years). Of special note was the theft of Derek Jeter’s glove and bat by Ruben Riviera who sold them to a dealer for $2500. Needless to say, Riviera was released by the Yankees.
  8. Members were informed of Geronimo’s luck in a raffle. He won an HP 932C printer in an RPI Alumni drawing. He was roundly congratulated on his good fortune. Geronimo mentioned a problem he had concerning the printer. For no conceivable reason the printer wouldn’t respond – it turned out to be in "pause". Son Dan soon put the situation to rights and all is well. Deliberator’s update on his scanner – no progress. Thanks to the Shadow getting their addresses; we are adding the Hoffman House (owner Jenny) and Associate Member Jen to our e-mailing list.
  9. Arrival of our desserts revealed something new – a tiny American flag on each. A very tasteful, nice patriotic touch. Shadow importuned Official Waitress Jen concerning a "senior discount" for our group. Fast on her feet with a ready reply, Jen stated that we were not old enough for a discount. Touché – except how old is old enough? With a flourish, Geronimo produced an entertainment card which saved members a bundle – many thanks! Deliberator collected the cash and offered his brand-new, unused Platinum Discover card. It worked perfectly.
  10. Concerning a tentative date for our next meeting, the Deliberator gathered information on members’ travel plans. Compensating for Geronimo’s wedding plans and ShadowPC Wiz vacations concluded in designating Wednesday May 22, 2002. The date was duly ratified and another epic HVBS meeting duly adjourned.

A new milestone has been passed in HVBS history – no revisions to the proposed minutes. Your Editorial Staff is overwhelmed by the confidence expressed in this way by our discerning, critical membership.

HVBS Official Scribe PC Wiz

April 3, 2002