Official Minutes – HVBS Meeting on Wednesday, May 3, 2006

  1. The Northern HVBS group, proficiently piloted by PC Wiz, arrived at Roudigan's Steak House at a suitably timely 11:18 AM only to find our Southern Main Man waiting for us to arrive. Entering, we found a hostess and friendly Alberto. Assuring the hostess we knew our destination, we secured our usual Official Roundtable in the elevated section. PC Wiz, unsure of his selection of beverage, was judiciously razzed for his uncertainty. Selecting a house Chardonnay was the beginning of a varied slate of beverages for the members. Deliberator ordered a cabernet sauvignon, Shadow a Heineken and Geronimo opted for a ginger ale. HVBS toasted to the safety of our Armed Forces around the world and to our Senior Member Deliberator on his 77th birthday on April 29: Congratulations! With Alberto taking luncheon orders Geronimo, certainly not for the first time, mentioned he had forgotten his glasses. Our alert hostess offered a selection of magnifying glasses the establishment had on hand for just such occasions. Geronimo selected a suitable pair and, no longer visually impaired, ordered the "Porkies Pleasure" - seconded by Deliberator and Shadow. PC Wiz chose the fish and chips.
  2. Our meeting was off to a brisk start with Geronimo declaring his dislike for the "Big P"; Governor Pataki for his non-collection of sales taxes from the Indian reservations (afraid of demonstrations or a "redskin uprising"). Shadow interjected that he could just imagine how his and Geronimo's fathers' would have reacted to such news and the present illegal alien problem. All agreed, with the President, that our national anthem should be sung in English which all immigrants should learn - as our parents did. Shadow informed us that Medicaid will run out of funds in 12 years because of illegals use of free medical care. Deliberator stated that he is suspicious of the help (particularly in the kitchen) in diners where illegals tend to get work.
  3. Returning to the agenda, Deliberator asked about PC Wiz's "search for Jessica". PC Wiz recently visited the "New Guido's" restaurant where the Roudigan's hostess said Jessica was now working. The Guido's waiter said they had two Jessica's working there. Upon being informed our Jessica was a college student he said she left for employment closer to her college; so we have lost the trail of our friendly Official Waitress. Asked about Guido's, PC Wiz felt it had no advantage over our familiar haunts - more difficult to get to, prices somewhat higher and an especially poor men's room (no soap, etc.). Geronimo's comment was: "mission incompleted". Shadow updated members on his comprehensive window replacement program - with some minor problems. Also having his heating ducts cleaned after 55 years accumulation of dust and the installation of an electrostatic filter to remove fine particles from the air. Deliberator was very interested since his system is now 45 years old and should also be cleaned.
  4. At this point Deliberator noted that he and PC Wiz had different glasses for their wines which led to a discussion of the supposed reasons for the variance. Deliberator observed, just like PC Wiz, that his Time Warner bill also was up and Shadow stating that he doesn't watch 95% of the channels has decided to downgrade his cable service to "basic", $50 being his limit for TV cable. Geronimo wanted "a la carte" choice which Deliberator also thought a good idea. PC Wiz pointed out, to some scoffing, that according to Time Warner, it was not possible to fine-tune the channels on analog signals - the coming digital TV's will make this possible. PC Wiz reported that some competition may be in the offing; Verizon is stringing fiber optic cable in many areas, supplying TV coverage for their customers. Geronimo noted that he had determined not to renew his satellite radio for the Acura. At this point PC Wiz was caught in a faux pas by Deliberator: he referred to the agenda item on the Suffolk County government proposing "free" wireless internet access for the entire county. Deliberator could not find the item in the agenda and PC Wiz had to apologize for a "senior moment" - thinking he had entered the item. Asked by Shadow about his and Associate Member Kay's trip to Williamsburg, Geronimo said they enjoyed it very much but found the area very commercialized. Quizzed by Shadow on whether they had visited the Williamsburg Winery (negative - missed opportunity), members also discovered Geronimo had skipped Busch Gardens (family went).
  5. In our sports section Geronimo noted that Johnny Damon (with his new, appreciated haircut) had been booed on his Boston appearance - but was doing OK. Shadow noted that the Yankee pitching "sucks", Rivera is failing and Johnson is "washed up" (Geronimo: Big Bust) The discussion went on to the Toronto game where both managers were ejected from the game. Which led to fond memories of when Manager Pinella had been ejected for picking up a base pad and throwing it. Deliberator said Willy Randolph is doing a good job for the Mets; although no fan, Pedro is pitching good. Concerning Clemens future, Shadow said he is a "big phony" and should retire; Geronimo opining he was pitched out last year and is "laying low". Geronimo reported that the NY Giants intended to build a new stadium in New Jersey - with their own money. It will not have a dome despite Governor Corzine wanting it to have a roof. Geronimo said, considering our climate, he could not imagine a stadium in the "rotten apple" without a dome. Both Deliberator and Geronimo brought up Barry Bonds impending 712 "home-run record" which HVBS members have no intention of honoring. Geronimo opining that he is a really bad person: in a SF Giants charity for a child he refused to participate. Geronimo took the opportunity to "credit the person predicting the 4-0 defeat of the NY Rangers" in the playoffs. Shadow accepted the plaudits for his outstanding prediction graciously.
  6. PC Wiz mentioned he had a tree removed by the same people that had cut down Shadow's corner spruce and trimmed his maple. Geronimo said he had a lot of trees that should be removed but that it would cost thousands of dollars. He had decided to leave them since his "zone of interest" has now shrunk to the perimeter of the house except for mowing and raking the lawn. On the issue of gasoline prices Geronimo reminisced on the gas lines of 1973 and 1974. PC Wiz blamed the price on speculators using rumors to panic buyers and Shadow turned to Brazil's use of ethanol from sugar cane as a good way to reduce our oil dependency, noting that, while oil is finite, growing corn on fallow land would increase the supply of ethanol. PC Wiz observed that since ethanol doesn't evaporate as well as gasoline, cars that use 100% ethanol have a small second gasoline tank for starting at colder temperatures.
  7. With coffee arriving and noting that they had clean spoons, members urged PC Wiz to order a dessert. With a slice of hot apple pie on the table, HVBS Official Scheduler Deliberator proposed Wednesday June 21, 2006 (7 weeks) as the date for our next meeting. The date was duly ratified and, since Deliberator will be the deciding designated driver, the issue of venue location, possibly a return visit to the Hoffman House, was raised. With that to be decided at a later date, this momentous HVBS meeting was adjourned.

Thanks to Geronimo, Deliberator and Shadow for their scrutiny of the preliminary record. In checking PC Wiz's notes of the meeting, Deliberator is clearly shown as the author of the duct cleaning statement.

HVBS Official Scribe Laureate PC Wiz

May 11, 2006