Official Minutes – HVBS Meeting on Wednesday, May 9, 2007

  1. With a fine Spring day in the 80's expected, a shirt-sleeve Upstate Contingent arrived at 11:20 AM at the Hoffman House, cradled in Deliberator's famed "floating" Buick. Geronimo came into sight at a respectable 11:25 and our forum group was complete. Entering the premises, we were greeted by Hostess Ginny and escorted to "the usual table" by HVBS Official Waitress Amy (from our January meeting). Shadow, noting that PC Wiz had remembered Amy's name, quipped that it was "the first thing he had remembered today", to general laughter. As at our March meeting, members opted for three orders of wine - Geronimo his usual Coke and lemon. Toasting to continued fellowship of our group, good health and the Armed Forces, PC Wiz showed members a photo of Russell's stepson Christopher with Shadow and PC Wiz: taken at the Unicorn Restaurant outside Fort Drum the day before his group left for Iraq.
  2. The first topic of discussion was, of course, the state of Geronimo's ailing foot. Alas, there was no hoped-for good news - although he did not use a cane (strongly suggested by Deliberator) as we walked to our table, Geronimo said it is still painful and he hoped for the best. Which brought us to the condition of Deliberator's grandson Mark after the arthroscopic operation on his knee. His doctor has fitted him with a device to immobilize his knee; causing him to walk with a stiff leg. He has been cleared to return to work in his supervisory capacity only (to Mark's owners delight since they have missed his presence in the business) - very encouraging! Deliberator's grandson Ryan, who will graduate from Mohonasen this term, has decided to attend Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica (they have a competitive men's bowling team) intending to major in business administration. He has expressed an interest in hotel management. Incidentally, Mark has been told to look for a place to live since our Deliberator may consider selling his house when Ryan leaves. Geronimo then said he had heard Shadow was working again and asked how it was going. Shadow replied that he was doing well. Geronimo stated that he knew why Shadow had gone back to work - he did it for the car, not wanting to buy a new second auto.
  3. Deliberator said he has just read Lee Iacocca's new book "Where have all the leaders gone?". He lists his opinion of our "four greatest presidents": Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. The inclusion of Bill Clinton led to a spirited discussion; Iacocca's choice for 2008 is Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico. Geronimo said it is being projected that one billion dollars are going to be spent on the campaign - an "obscene" amount. Members agreed. Geronimo recently received a gift book from Dan; Deliberator laughingly admitted he does not buy books - someone has to give them to him. He highly recommends Lee's book and members expressed admiration for Iacocca's accomplishments. Concerning Queen Elizabeth's visit to the USA on the 400th Anniversary of the first English settlement in Jamestown, VA, HVBS members were generally not impressed with her presence. Shadow reiterated his and PC Wiz's visit to Jamestown when they were just beginning to do impressive excavations of the historic site. With regards to New York politics, members agreed Governor Spitzer has seemed to lose momentum - concentrating on raising campaign funds for his next run. PC Wiz expressed his surprise at Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's performance, especially uncovering the college kickbacks on student loans; members asserted their approval also.
  4. PC Wiz showed an article from his local weekly about re-engineering the Thruway Exit 25 exit with brick walkways and recessed parking spaces! This led to Geronimo mentioning a series of "round-abouts" being planned for his area, to eliminate traffic lights and speed traffic flow!? Shadow brought up the seven round-abouts (three in 1/2 mile) on Route 67 in Malta; Deliberator said he will make a point to go there to check them out. He was surprised to hear the Route 9 intersection also has a round-about. In other Tech Topics Deliberator asked what a "docking mouse" is (Shadow is considering buying one since the batteries in his new wireless mouse have turned out to be short-lived). Geronimo explained that it is a mouse with re-chargeable batteries that fits into a charger (like a portable telephone). PC Wiz raised the Agenda item on the postal rate increase on May 14 (as pointed out by Shadow). Although the first ounce is going to 41c he pointed out additional ounces will be 17c (instead of the present 24c). The joker being that larger (i.e. manila) envelopes will be 80c! Shadow stated that he is all set with "forever" stamps which will always be valid for first-class, regardless of rate hikes. An article in USA Today noted the 3c first class rate established in 1917, if corrected for inflation, would today be 48c!
  5. In sports, HVBS members bemoaned the Yankee pitching staff. Geronimo felt that the bullpen "blew it", with unreliable starters having to be taken out early. This led to a discussion about the stamina of present-day pitchers. Deliberator felt them to be pampered "wimps", "86 pitches and out". Shadow, in a historical reference, recalled the Dodgers Don Newcomb actually pitching both ends of a double-header! The signing of Roger Clemens did not inspire confidence: members were concerned with his age (44), the short season - and the amount of cash (a complicated 28 million dollar deal), evidently done with an eye to publicity rather than competitiveness. Geronimo, saying they made a fight of it, asked our resident Ranger fan to recap the playoff games. Shadow felt mistakes had been made by a young team and the results could have been different.
  6. The conversation then swung to TV viewing with Geronimo mentioning some of his favorite shows - such as "The Unit", "NCIS" and others. NCIS is a PC Wiz favorite and Deliberator agreed with Geronimo's selections. Evidently there has been a lot of criticism of Rachel Ray, our local girl on the Food Channel - Geronimo, who admires her, called her "a bundle of energy" and wished her continued success, PC Wiz concerned about her taking on too much of a work load.
  7. Geronimo proposed, Deliberator seconding, the following agenda item: At each HVBS session, on a rotating basis, a different member will raise one special topic, of their personal interest and not in the general agenda, to be discussed. Deliberator asked that members be allowed to abstain from commenting - approved. Asked to provide an example, Geronimo said, for instance, where would you like to vacation before you "kick the bucket", or like to accomplish but haven't. Members agreed and the proposal was accepted. Since it is his proposal, members agreed that Geronimo will have to go first.
  8. Official Waitress Amy brought us coffees and PC Wiz opted for a rainbow sherbet. As he was leaving, one of the Hoffman House's guests stopped at our table and stated, "I'm going to vote for Reagan!". Proof positive that the HVBS influence is spreading - at least at the Hoffman House! HVBS Official Scheduler Deliberator proposed Wednesday June 20, 2007 for our next meeting - in the month of the 30th anniversary of Pat and Ginny Bradley's opening of the Hoffman House Tavern in June 1977. The meeting was adjourned.

Thanks to members for reviewing the minutes.

HVBS Official Scribe Laureate PC Wiz

May 19, 2007